Elsie's Motherhood Page 10
Chapter Tenth.
"Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven."--Luke vi, 87.
Calhoun Conly was much perturbed by the occurrences of the evening. Hewas fond of his cousin Elsie and her children, and very sorry, for bothher sake and theirs, that they had suffered this fright; he greatlyrespected and liked Mr. Travilla too, and would fain have stood wellin his esteem; he had hoped that he did; and also with his UncleHorace,--he had been so kindly treated, especially of late, at both Ionand the Oaks; but now this unfortunate episode had placed him in a falseposition, and he could hardly expect to be again trusted or believed in.
Such were his cogitations as he sat alone in the veranda, after the Ioncarriage had driven away. "What shall I do?" he asked himself, "whatshall I do to recover their good opinion?"
Just then Walter appeared before him, looking crestfallen and angry.
"I say, Cal, it's bad enough for you to have thrashed me as you did,without bringing mother and Aunt Enna, and maybe grandfather too, downon me about those wretched masks and things; so give 'em up and let Dickand me put 'em back before they get home."
"Of course put them back as fast as you can; pity you hadn't let themalone," said Calhoun, rising and with a quick step leading the waytoward the nursery, "and," he added, "we must see what we can do to keepthe young ones from blabbing; else putting them back will help your casevery little."
"Oh we'll never be able to do that!" exclaimed Walter, despairingly,"one or another of 'em is sure to let it out directly. And there comethe folks now," as the rolling of wheels was heard in the avenue. "It'sof no use; they'll know all about it in five minutes."
"Yes, sir, you and Dick have got yourselves into a fine box, beside allthe trouble you've made for other people," said Calhoun angrily. Thenlaying his hand on Walter's arm as he perceived that he was meditatingflight, "No, sir, stay and face the music like a man; don't addcowardice to all the rest of it."
They heard the clatter of little feet running through the house and outupon the veranda, the carriage draw up before the door, then the voicesof the children pouring out the story of their fright, and thepunishment of its authors, and the answering tones of their grandfatherand the ladies; Mr. Dinsmore's expressing surprise and indignation,Enna's full of passion, and Mrs. Conly's of cold displeasure.
"Let go o' me! they're coming this way," cried Walter, trying to wrenchhimself free.
But the inexorable Calhoun only tightened his grasp and dragged him onto the nursery.
Dick was there trying to pick the lock of the closet door with hispocket knife.
"What are you about, sir? No more mischief to-day, if you please,"exclaimed Calhoun, seizing him with the free hand, the other havingenough to do to hold Walter.
"Give me that key then," cried Dick, vainly struggling to shake off hiscousin's strong grip.
The words were hardly on the boy's tongue, when the door was thrownopen, and Mr. Dinsmore and his daughters entered hastily, followed bythe whole crowd of younger children.
"Give you the key indeed! I'd like to know how you got hold of mine, andhow you dared to make use of it as you have, you young villain! There,take that, and that and that! Hold him fast, Cal, till I give him alittle of what he deserves," cried Mrs. Johnson, rushing upon her son,in a towering passion, and cuffing him right and left with all herstrength.
"Let me alone!" he roared; "'taint fair; old Travilla's half killed mealready."
"I'm glad of it! You ought to be half killed, and you won't get anysympathy from me, I can tell you."
"And you had a share in it too, Walter?" Mrs. Conly was saying infreezing tones. "If you think he deserves any more than you gave him,Cal, you have my full permission to repeat the dose."
"Where is the cause of all this unseemly disturbance?" demanded Mr.Dinsmore severely. "Calhoun, if you have the key of that closet andthose wretched disguises are there, produce them at once."
The young man obeyed, while Enna, holding Dick fast, turned a halffrightened look upon her sister; to which the latter, standing with herarms folded and her back braced against the wall, replied with one ofcold, haughty indifference.
Calhoun drew out the obnoxious articles and held them up to view, aflush of mortification upon his face.
The children screamed and ran.
"Be quiet! they can't hurt you," said the grandfather, stamping hisfoot; then turning to Calhoun, "Ku Klux--your property and Arthur's, Ipresume, you are members doubtless?" and he glanced from one to theother of his older grandsons in mingled anger and scorn; Arthur havingjust entered the room to ascertain the cause of the unusual commotion.
He flushed hotly at his grandsire's words and look. "I, sir! I a KuKlux?" he exclaimed in a hurt, indignant tone, "I a midnight assassinstealing upon my helpless victims under cover of darkness and a hideousdisguise? No, sir. How could you think so ill of me? What have I done todeserve it?"
"Nothing, my boy; I take it all back," said the old gentleman, with agrim smile, "it is not like you--a quiet bookish lad, with nothing ofthe coward or the bully about you. But you, Calhoun?"
"I have no property in these, sir; and I should scorn to wear one, or totake part in the deeds you have spoken of."
"Right. I am no Republican, and was as strong for secession as any manin the South, but I am for open, fair fight with my own enemies or thoseof my country; no underhand dealings for me; no cowardly attacks inoverwhelming numbers upon the weak and defenceless. But if thesedisguises are not yours, whose are they? and how came they here?"
"I must beg leave to decline answering that question, sir," repliedCalhoun respectfully.
His mother and aunt exchanged glances.
"Ah!" exclaimed their father, turning to Enna, as with a suddenrecollection, "I think I heard you claiming some property in thesescarecrows speak out; are they yours?"
"No, sir; but I'm not ashamed to own that I helped to make them, andthat if I were a man, I would wear one."
"You? you helped make them? and who, pray, helped you? Louise--"
"Yes, sir, Louise it was," replied Mrs. Conly drawing herself up to herfull height, "and she is no more ashamed to own it, than is her sister.And if Calhoun was a dutiful son he would be more than willing to wearone."
"If you were a dutiful daughter, you would never have engaged in suchbusiness in my house without my knowledge and consent," retorted herfather, "and I'll have no more of it, let me tell you, Madams Conly andJohnson; no aiding or abetting of these midnight raiders."
Then turning to a servant he ordered her to "take the hideous thingsinto the yard and make a bonfire of them."
"No, no!" cried Enna. "Papa, do you understand that you are ordering thedestruction of other men's property?"
"It makes no difference," he answered coolly, "they are forfeit byhaving been brought surreptitiously into my house. Carry them out,Fanny, do you hear? carry them out and burn them."
"And pray, sir, what am I to say to the owners when they claim theirproperty?" asked Enna with flashing eyes.
"Refer them to me," replied her father leaving the room to see that hisorders were duly executed.
Calhoun and Arthur had already slipped away. Dick was about to follow,but his mother again seized him by the arm, this time shaking himviolently; she must have some one on whom to vent the rage that wasconsuming her.
"You--you bad, troublesome, wicked boy! I could shake the very life outof you!" she hissed through her shut teeth, suiting the action to theword. "A pretty mess you've made of it, you and Walter. Your birthdaycoming next week too; there'll be no presents from Ion for you, you mayrest assured. I hoped Mr. Travilla would send you each a handsome suit,as he did last year; but of course you'll get nothing now."
"Well, I don't care," muttered Dick, "it's your fault for making theugly things." And freeing himself by a sudden jerk, he darted from theroom.
Children and servants had trooped after Mr. Dinsmore to witness theconflagration, and Dick's sudden exit left the ladies sole occupants ofthe apartment.
/> "I declare it's too bad! too provoking for endurance!" exclaimed Enna,bursting into a flood of angry tears.
"What's the use of taking it so hard?" returned her sister.
"You're a perfect iceberg," retorted Enna.
"That accounts for my not crying over our misfortune, I presume; mytears being all frozen up," returned Mrs. Conly with an exasperatingsmile. "Well there is comfort in all things: we may now congratulateourselves that Foster and Boyd did not wait for these but suppliedthemselves elsewhere."
There was a difference of two years in the ages of Dick Percival andWalter Conly, but they were born on the same day of the same month, andtheir birthday would occur in less than a week.
"I say, Wal, what precious fools we've been," remarked Dick as the twowere preparing to retire that night; "why didn't we remember how near itwas to our birthday? Of course, as mother says, there'll be no presentsfrom Ion this time."
"No, and I wish I'd never seen the hateful things," grumbled Walter,"but there's no use crying over spilt milk."
"No; and we'll pretend we don't care a cent. Mother sha'n't have thesatisfaction of knowing that I do anyhow;" and Dick whistled a livelytune as he pulled off his boots and tossed them into a corner.
At about the same time Elsie and her husband, seated alone together intheir veranda, were conversing on the same subject. Mr. Travillaintroduced it. They had been regretting the effect of the fright of theevening upon their children--Vi especially as the one predisposed toundue excitement of the brain--yet hoping it might not prove lasting.
Elsie had just returned from seeing them to bed. "I left them muchcalmed and comforted," she said, "by our little talk together of God'sconstant watch over us, His all-power and His protecting care and love;and by our prayer that He would have them in his keeping."
He pressed her hand in silence; then presently remarked, "The birthdayof those boys is near at hand. They certainly deserve no remembrancefrom us; but how do you feel about it?"
"Just as my noble, generous husband does," she said, looking up into hisface with a proud, fond smile.
"Ah! and how is that?"
"Like giving them a costlier and more acceptable present than everbefore; thus 'heaping coals of fire upon their heads.'"
"And what shall it be?"
"Whatever you think they would prefer, and would not that be a ponya-piece?"
"No doubt of it; and I will try to procure two worth having, before theday comes round."
Talking with her little ones the next morning, Elsie told them of thenear approach of the birthday of Dick and Walter, spoke of the duty offorgiveness and the return of good for evil, and asked who of themwould like to make their cousins some nice present.
"I should, mamma," said little Elsie.
Eddie looked up into his mother's face, dropped his head, and blushingdeeply muttered, "I'd rather flog them like papa and Cal did."
"So would I; they're naughty boys!" cried Vi, the tears starting to hereyes at the remembrance of the panic of fear their conduct had costherself, brothers and sister.
Their mother explained that it was papa's duty to protect his childrenfrom injury, and that that was why he had flogged naughty Dick; but nowhe had forgiven him and was going to return good for evil, as the Biblebids us. "And you must forgive them too, dears, if you want God toforgive you," she concluded; "for Jesus says, 'If you forgive not mentheir trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.'"
"I can't, mamma: I don't love them," said Eddie, stoutly.
"Ask God to help you, then, my son."
"But mamma, I can't ask him with my heart, 'cause I don't want to lovethem or forgive them."
"Can my boy do without God's forgiveness? without Jesus' love?" sheasked, drawing him to her side. "You feel very unhappy when papa ormamma is offended with you, and can you bear your heavenly Father'sfrown?"
"Don't look so sorry, dear mamma: I love you ever so much," he said,putting his arms about her neck and kissing her again and again.
"I cannot be happy while my dear little son indulges such sinfulfeelings," she said, softly smoothing his hair, while a tear rolled downher cheek.
"Mamma, how can I help it?"
"Try to think kind thoughts of your cousins, do them all the kindnessyou can, and ask God to bless them, and to help you to love them. I wantmy little Vi to do so too," she added, turning to her.
"Mamma, I will; I don't 'tend to say cross things 'bout 'em any more,"Violet answered impulsively; "and I'll give 'em the nicest present I canget with all my pocket-money."
"Mamma, must I give them presents?" asked Eddie.
"No, son, I do not say must; you shall decide for yourself whether youought, and whether you will."
"Mamma, they made me hurt my dear father."
"No, Eddie, no one can _make_ us do wrong; we choose for ourselveswhether we will resist temptation or yield to it."
"Mamma, what shall we give," asked the little girls.
"Talk it over between yourselves, daughters, decide how much you arewilling to spend on them, and what your cousins would probably likebest. I want my children to think and choose for themselves, where itis proper that they should."
"But mamma, you will 'vise us."
"Yes, Vi, you may consult me, and shall have the benefit of my opinion."
The little girls held several private consultations during the day, andin the evening came with a report to their mother. Elsie was willing toappropriate five dollars to the purpose, Vi three, and the gifts were tobe books, if mamma approved, and would help them select suitable ones.
"I think you have decided wisely," she said, "and as it is too warm forus to drive to the city, we will ask papa to order a variety sent outhere, and he and I will help you in making a choice."
Eddie was standing by. Nothing had been said to him on the subject,since his morning talk with his mother, but all day he had beenunusually quiet and thoughtful.
"Mamma," he now said, coming close to her side, "I've been trying toforgive them, and I'm going to buy two riding whips, one for Dick, andone for Wal; if you and papa like me to."
Her smile was very sweet and tender as she commended his choice, andtold him his resolve had made her very happy.
The birthday found Dick and Walter in sullen, discontented mood, spiteof their resolve not to care for the loss of all prospect of gifts inhonor of the anniversary.
"What's the use of getting up?" growled Dick, "it's an awful bore, theway we've been sent to Coventry ever since we got into that scrape withthe young ones. I've a great mind to lie a-bed and pretend sick; just toscare mother and pay her off for her crossness."
"Maybe you might get sick in earnest," suggested Walter. "I'm going toget up anyhow," and he tumbled out upon the floor, "for it's too hot tolie in bed. Hark! there's Pomp coming up the stairs to call us now. Why,what's all that, Pomp?" as the servant rapped, then pushing open thedoor, handed in a number of brown paper parcels.
"Dunno, Mars Wal," replied the man grinning from ear to ear; "somethin'from Ion, an de rest's down stairs; one for each ob you."
"One what?" queried Dick, starting up and with one bound placing himselfat Walter's side.
"Birthday present, sahs. Wish you many happy returns, Mars Wal and MarsDick, an' hope you'll neber wear no mo' Ku Klux doins."
But the lads were too busily engaged in opening the parcels andexamining their contents, to hear or heed his words.
"Two riding whips--splendid ones--and four books!" exclaimed Walter;"and here's a note."
"Here let me read it," said Dick. "I declare, Wal, I'm positivelyashamed to have them send me anything after the way I've behaved."
"I too. But what do they say?"
"It's from Travilla and Cousin Elsie," said Dick turning to thesignature. "I'll read it out."
He did so. It was very kind and pleasant, made no allusion to theirwrong doing, but congratulated them on the return of the day, beggedtheir acceptance of the accompanying gifts, stating from who
m each came,the largest a joint present from themselves; and closed with aninvitation to spend the day at Ion.
"I'm more ashamed than ever, aren't you, Wal?" Dick said, his faceflushing hotly as he laid the note down.
"Yes, never felt so mean in my life. To think of that little Ed sendingus these splendid whips, and the little girls these pretty books. I'most wish they hadn't."
"But where's 'the larger gift' they say is 'a joint present fromthemselves'?"
"Oh that must be what Pomp called the rest left down stairs. Come, let'shurry and get down there to see what it is."
Toilet duties were attended to in hot haste and in a wonderfully shorttime the two were on the front veranda in eager quest of the mysteriouspresent.
Each boyish heart gave a wild bound of delight as their eyes fell upon agroup in the avenue, just before the entrance;--two beautiful ponies,ready saddled and bridled, in charge of an Ion servant; old Mr.Dinsmore, Calhoun and Arthur standing near examining and commenting uponthem with evident admiration.
"O, what beauties!" cried Dick, bounding into the midst of the group."Whose are they, Uncle Joe?"
"Well, sah," answered the old negro, pulling off his hat and bowingfirst to one, then to the other, "dey's sent heyah, by Massa Travillaand Miss Elsie, for two boys 'bout de size o' you, dat don' neber meanto frighten young chillen no mo'."
The lads hung their heads in silence, the blush of shame on theircheeks.
"Do you answer the description?" asked Calhoun, a touch of scorn in histones.
"Yes; for we'll never do it again," said Walter. "But it's too much:they're too kind!" and he fairly broke down, and turned away his head tohide the tears that would come into his eyes.
"That's a fact!" assented Dick, nearly as much moved.
"You don't deserve it," said their grandfather, severely, "and I'm muchinclined to send them back, with a request that if they're offered youagain it shall not be till a year of good conduct on your part hasatoned for the past."
"O, grandpa, you couldn't be so hard, so very hard!" cried Dickimploringly, stroking and patting the pony nearest to him, "they'resuch beauties."
"I should think you'd be ashamed to accept such gifts after the wayyou've behaved," said Arthur.
"So we are; but wouldn't it be worse to send 'em back? Awful rude, Ishould say." And Dick turned a half saucy, half beseeching look upon hisgrandfather.
The old gentleman smiled in spite of himself, and consented, inconsideration of the boys' penitence for the past, and fair promisesfor the future, to allow them to accept the generous gifts.
Uncle Joe explained which was for Dick, and which for Walter, andspringing into their saddles, they were off like a shot, theirgrandfather calling after them to be back in ten minutes if they wantedany breakfast.