Elsie's Young Folks in Peace and War Read online

Page 15


  It was a lovely evening, and a pleasant company had gathered upon thedeck of the _Dolphin_, Captain Raymond's yacht, lying in New Yorkharbor; there were Mrs. Travilla, or Grandma Elsie, as some of herloved ones called her, Captain Raymond himself, his wife and children,older and younger, Evelyn Leland, Dr. Harold Travilla, and ChesterDinsmore. They were scattered in groups--the three pairs of lovers inone, and conversing in low, earnest tones, now and then varied by aripple of laughter.

  "I should like it very, very much," said Eva, "but doubt if the captainproves willing."

  "Doubtless if he consulted only his own inclination he would notconsent," said Max; "but father is anything else but selfish, and lovesyou so dearly, Eva, that I by no means despair of persuading him togive you your wish in regard to this."

  "I have hardly a doubt of that," said Lucilla, "and I am highly infavor of the plan, though I was not at first."

  "It suits me exactly," remarked Chester, in a gleeful tone. "I greatlylike the idea of taking my wife home with me."

  "Something that more than one of us would be glad to do," sighedHarold, squeezing affectionately a little hand of which he had takenpossession a moment before.

  "Never mind, old fellow, your turn will come one of these days, Ihope," said Chester. "Perhaps when you two have waited as long as Luand I have now."

  "Ah, I'm afraid we have even a longer wait than that before us,"returned Harold.

  "But we can see each other every day--be together a good deal of thetime," remarked Grace, in low, soothing tones.

  "Well, let us have the thing settled, by hearing what father has tosay about it," said Max, for at that moment the captain might be seenapproaching their group.

  "About what, my son?" he asked, as he took a vacant seat close athand, for he had overheard the last few words.

  "As to the place where our nuptials should be celebrated, sir,"returned Max, with a little, happy laugh.

  "Where else but in your homes?" asked his father. "I should like tohave both my children married in my house, but Eva and you, I suppose,would prefer to have yours and hers in her home--Fairview."

  "No, sir," said Evelyn, "my very strong wish is to have mine celebratedin my own old home--the house my father built and owned--Crag Cottage."

  "Ah, my dear child, that is natural!" returned the captain in a tone ofmingled surprise and acquiescence, "and I should be loath to stand inthe way of such a wish. But I thought you and Lucilla were planning tohave but one ceremony for the two couples of you?"

  "Yes, sir; and since talking it over we have concluded that CragCottage would be a suitable place for it, if you do not object."

  "It seems to me that there are reasons both for and against it,"he said thoughtfully, "but since you four are the ones most nearlyconcerned, I think it will be only right and kind to let you decide thequestion among yourselves. But it is growing late in the season, and ifthe ceremony is to be performed here at the North, it should take placequite soon. Can you make needed preparations in a few days?"

  "I think we can," both girls answered to that question.

  "Very well, then, so far as I am concerned you shall do just as youplease. For that matter, you are all of legal age to do so whether youhave my permission or not."

  At that all four instantly disclaimed any intention or desire to gocontrary to his wishes, and Eva added:

  "I shall of course write at once to my uncle and aunt asking theirconsent and approval; for, though of legal age, I owe to them more thanthat for the great kindness they have shown me ever since the death ofmy dear father."

  "That is a right feeling you have toward them," remarked CaptainRaymond, in a tone of commendation, "but I have no idea that they willoppose your wishes in the least in this matter."

  "No, I am almost sure they will not," she said; "but I shall write themto-night, and hope for a prompt reply. There will be some necessaryshopping to do, and New York City will be the best place for that."

  "Decidedly," assented the captain, "and you could have no betterhelpers in that than my wife and her mother."

  "And yourself, papa," laughed Lucilla.

  "As purse-bearer?" he asked, with a smile. "I shall certainly be that,and ready to exercise my taste as regards the choice of the goods."

  "And I may be the housekeeper here on the _Dolphin_ while you are awayon your pleasant errands, I suppose," said Grace.

  "Yes, if you like, daughter," returned the captain; and Harold added,"And I as your assistant, if you are willing to make use of me."

  "To see to it that she does not overwork herself," said the captain.

  "And what may Chester and I be allowed to do?" queried Max.

  "To keep them company,--if they desire it,--manage the vessel, and keepthe children out of mischief, especially from falling overboard, andentertained in harmless ways."

  "I think we can do all that," said Max; "but how long do you expectto be absent, father? Are we to lie still in the harbor here till youreturn?"

  "Just as you please," said his father. "If you choose to steam alongthe shores, out into the ocean or up the river, you have full libertyto do so. All I ask is that you take good care of the children and thevessel."

  "Well, sir, I think that with Chester's and Harold's help I can engageto do all that," laughed Max. "Don't you think so, lads?" turning firstto one, then to the other of the young men.

  Both returned an affirmative reply, then they all joined the group ofolder ladies, told of their plans and purposes, and asked for advice,and whether the assistance they wanted in their shopping might beconfidently expected.

  At first both ladies were surprised that the young people should thinkof having their weddings before returning home, but, after a littlediscussion, highly approved of the plan, and expressed themselvesas willing as possible to assist in the shopping and all needfulpreparations. Then they discussed the question what it would be needfulor advisable to purchase, what dresses should be made and where thework could be done in the speediest and most approved manner, as itwas wisest and best to consider and decide upon these matters beforesetting out to do their errands.

  Evelyn wrote her letter to her uncle and aunt before retiring forthe night, and had it posted early the next morning. Shortly afterbreakfast the shopping party went into the city on their pleasanterrand, and a little later the _Dolphin_ weighed anchor and steamed outof harbor, going seaward.

  The party on its deck was a cheerful, even merry one, Max and Chesterrejoicing in the near approach of their long looked-for nuptials;Harold happy in having full possession for the time of his affianced,and Elsie and Ned Raymond in gay, youthful spirits, for they loved tobe on the yacht and with Brother Max, Uncle Harold, and also Chester,with whom they had become almost as free and affectionate as if he werean own brother.

  "Where are we going now, Brother Max?" asked Ned.

  "I think we will put it to vote," replied Max. "My idea is that itmight be very pleasant to steam along near the shore of the Sound onone side going out, and on the other returning; so getting a view ofthe country on both. Grace, as you are the only lady present, I thinkyou should have the first vote. Shall we do as I have proposed, orsomething different?"

  "It sounds very pleasant, Max," replied Grace, "but I don't wish todecide the question, for I shall enjoy going anywhere in the _Dolphin_,and with such pleasant company."

  "Rather non-committal," laughed Max. "Well, Chester and Harold, what doyou say?"

  Both answered that they approved his plan, and would like nothingbetter, and Elsie and Ned exclaimed with enthusiasm that _they_ wouldlike nothing better.

  "A unanimous vote in favor," commented Max, "so the thing is settled."

  "And we can settle to something," remarked Elsie, in a tone ofsatisfaction; "Uncle Harold, don't you want to tell us about some ofthe poor wounded or sick fellows you attended in Cuba?"

  "I fear I have not much to tell of them--seeing I have already told somuch--except that they were wonderfull
y brave and patient, full of lovefor their country and compassion for the downtrodden, inhumanly treatedCubans," replied Dr. Travilla.

  "I think our soldiers were very brave, patient, and uncomplaining,"said Elsie. "I am very proud of them, especially because they didn't docruel deeds such as I have read of soldiers of other nations doing intime of war."

  "Yes, I think they deserved that commendation," said Harold. "And theattempt of Hobson and his men to block the entrance to Santiago harborby sinking the _Merrimac_ there was brave as brave could be. We haveindeed cause to be proud of our soldiers."

  "And so we are!" cried Ned enthusiastically, "and," turning toward hisbrother, "just as proud of the brave fellows that were at Manila as ofthose in Cuba."

  "Thank you, young man," returned Max, with a bow and a smile. "Wecertainly have every reason to believe that our doings there have beenappreciated by our kind countrymen."

  "Brother Max, could you help feeling a little bit afraid when your shipwent into that long channel with its many forts and torpedoes?"

  "I certainly cannot say that I was entirely free from fear,"acknowledged Max; "but I had no desire to escape the danger by givingup my part in the coming fight, for I felt that we were on the rightside of it--undertaken for the oppressed--and that my Heavenly Fatherwas able to protect me, and all of us."

  "And he did," exclaimed Elsie, in joyful tones; "it was just wonderfulhow you all escaped being killed, and only a few were slightly wounded."

  "It was indeed," assented Max, "and a great cause for thankfulness."

  "Do you like Admiral Dewey, Brother Max?" asked Ned.

  "Yes, yes indeed!" was the earnest, smiling reply. "He is determinedwith his men, but very kind-hearted. The man who has been guilty of afault may be pretty sure of pardon if he confesses it, but not if hetells a falsehood to escape his deserts. Lying is a thing which Deweyutterly detests."

  "I wish I could get acquainted with him," said Elsie; "though I supposehe wouldn't like to be bothered with talking to a little girl of myage."

  "I don't know about that," laughed Max; "he is said to be very fond ofchildren."

  "Has he any of his own?" she asked, with a look of interest.

  "One son; but he is grown up and is in business."

  "Oh, do tell me what sort of folks the Filipinos are?"

  "I will do my best," replied Max. "The men are not tall, but have goodforms and well-shaped heads. Their looks are boyish, and they seemnever to grow old. They have black, glossy hair that seldom grows gray.The women are graceful and rather good-looking. They usually weartheir hair loose, and no hat or bonnet on their heads. Their dressis a satin skirt handsomely embroidered, and a waist of pina cloth,having flowing sleeves. They wear a scarf of the finest quality, andbeautifully embroidered, about their neck and shoulders. An Americanlady there told me that they often spend years on the embroidery of asingle garment, and that she and others of our ladies had gone intoraptures over that work, but could seldom secure a specimen. They arevery cleanly people--bathe a great deal, and keep their clothingvery clean; their houses also are kept clean, neat, and tidy. Thewomen sew, spin, weave, and gather thatch to keep the hut in repair.They also catch fish for the family to eat, and are skilful at thatbusiness. They carry burdens on their heads, and that makes themerect and graceful. A good many of both Spaniards and Chinamen havemarried Filipino women, and the children, called Mestizoes, make goodcitizens, seeming to inherit the patient industry of the Chinesefather and the gentle disposition and dignified self-possession of theFilipino mother. But now I think I have done my share of talking forthe present, and must leave the rest of you to do yours while I see ifall is going right with our vessel," added Max, rising and leaving thegroup as he spoke.

  "Uncle Harold, do you know the captain they call 'Fighting Bob'?" askedNed.

  "Slightly," returned his uncle, "and a brave, noble man he is--a navalofficer to be proud of; perfectly fearless and cool in battle, kindand helpful to conquered foes. He was commander of the _Iowa_, to whichthe Spanish ship _Vizcaya_ surrendered. Her captain, in a speech inSpain, had said that he would tow back the _Iowa_ to his king; but hewas not able to do so. The _Iowa_ drove shell after shell into hisvessel, till she was a mass of flames, and struck her flag.

  "Then 'Fighting Bob' sent out his boats to rescue the prisoners on theship and in the water, and took back to the _Iowa_ several officersand two hundred and forty men, her captain, Eulate, among them. It issaid to have been a horrible scene--so many dead and wounded men, andCaptain Eulate, limping, and with his head bound up. He saluted as hestepped upon the deck of the _Iowa_, and so did Captain Evans.

  "'You are Captain Evans? This is the _Iowa_?' asked Captain Eulate.'Yes,' said Captain Evans, and took Eulate's hand in both of his,shaking it warmly. Eulate stepped back, unbuckled his sword, kissed it,and with the most elegant grace, handed it, hilt forward, to CaptainEvans. But he refused to take it, turning the palm of his hand outwardand waving it back, at the same time shaking his head--a very emphaticrefusal.

  "The Spaniards, officers and men, looked on in astonishment. CaptainEulate pressed Captain Evans' hand, and the crew gave Eulate threecheers, for he had fought well, and only gave up when his ship was inflames and sinking.

  "Just then a terrific explosion was heard on the _Vizcaya_, which wasonly a short distance off, and a solid column of smoke went up nearlyfour thousand feet, it is said, taking the form of a gigantic mushroom.At that Captain Eulate turned around, pointing with one hand to hisruined ship, with the other toward his officers and men, '_Veeski!Veeski!_' he cried at the top of his voice, while tears rolled down hischeeks. His men sprang toward him, and many of them kissed his hand. Hesaid in Spanish, 'My brave marines!' and looked away."

  "That was a very interesting story, uncle," said Elsie, as Dr.Travilla paused. "I hope there's more of it."

  "Oh, yes, please go on, Uncle Harold," said Ned. "Our ships took allthe Spanish ones, didn't they?"

  "Yes; the _Maria Teresa_ was now a wreck also, and the _Iowa_ went tothe relief of her drowning and burning men. Admiral Cervera was takenprisoner and brought on board the _Iowa_. When he stepped aboard, withhis staff, Captain Evans stood with uncovered head, and the marineguard presented arms. Captain Eulate stepped toward him, touchedhis sword with his hand and pressed it to his breast, crying out inSpanish, pointing toward Captain Evans, evidently extolling his braveryand generosity. The admiral made a courtly bow to Captain Evans, andshook hands with him. The rest of the Spanish officers kissed the handof the Spanish admiral four times, and embraced and kissed CaptainEulate. The men of the crew, too, would now and then see a comrade whomthey had supposed dead, and they would fall to embracing and kissing."

  "Did Captain Evans thank God for his victory, as Captain Philip did,uncle?" asked Elsie.

  "No; but when some one blamed him for not having done so, he saidthat while preparations were being made for it he found that he wassurrounded by boats carrying dying and wounded prisoners, and others ofthe crew of the _Vizcaya_, to the number of two hundred and fifty. 'Toleave these men to suffer for want of food and clothing, while I calledmy men aft to offer prayers, was not my idea of either Christianity orreligion,' he wrote in reply. 'I preferred to clothe the naked, feedthe hungry, and succor the sick, and I am strongly of the opinion thatAlmighty God has not put a black mark against me on account of it. Ido not know whether I shall stand with Captain Philip among the firstchosen in the hereafter, but I have this to say in conclusion, thatevery drop of blood in my body on the afternoon of July 3d, was singingthanks and praise to Almighty God for the victory we had won.'"

  "They call Captain Evans 'Fighting Bob,' don't they, uncle?" asked Ned.

  "Yes; but it is said that he does not like it, and insists that he isno more of a fighter than very many of his brother officers. But it isreally used as an honor to one whom his countrymen admire. But probablyhe will do no more fighting, as, by his own request, he has beendetached from the command of the _Iowa_, and made a member of th
e Boardof Inspection and Survey--a change he was entitled to, having alreadyserved more than his term of sea duty."

  "Oh, uncle!" said Elsie, in a tone of entreaty, "can't you tell ussomething more about Captain Philip? I do like him so, because of hisbeing such a good Christian man."

  "He is that," said Dr. Travilla emphatically, "and one of the bravestand most modest of men. When asked for his photograph he replied thathe had never had one taken; and on being urgently invited to be presentat a reception to Lieutenant Hobson, given in New York, he shook hishead, saying the trial would be too much for him. But I dare sayhis real reason was a fear that his presence might deprive the youngofficer of some of the attention and honor due to him."

  "Have you ever seen him, uncle?" asked Elsie.

  "Yes, once, for a few minutes, and I have heard him described asmild-mannered, full of fun, with gray mustache, a kindly face, and mildblue eyes, and it is said that he is fond of his men as they are ofhim. He said to some one, 'I have a stout ship and a crew of Americans.So had the other captains. That was why we won.' He fairly earned hispromotion, first to the rank of commodore, then to that of admiral.

  "Now you two have taken in a good deal of information; don't you thinkit might be well for you to take some exercise in running about thedeck?" concluded Uncle Harold, in a kindly tone, to which Elsie and Nedresponded with a cheerful, "Yes, sir! Thank you for the stories," thenran away to carry out his suggestions, Grace calling after them to bevery careful not to go into any dangerous place.

  "We won't," Ned called back. "We want to live to go to that doublewedding."

  "Yes, Ned," said Elsie, in a much lower tone, "and we want to buy somehandsome presents for the brides. I spoke to mamma about that, and shesaid she and papa and grandma would give us our turn at the business ofshopping; maybe day after to-morrow, for they expect to come back tothe _Dolphin_ to-morrow evening, and if the weather is suitable we cango into the city directly after breakfast the next morning."

  "Oh, good!" cried Ned. "Won't it be fun? I hope papa has plentyof money for us to spend, so that we can get something veryhandsome--jewelry, perhaps. That will be the most suitable andacceptable, I suppose."

  "Probably," returned Elsie. "Grandma, papa, and mamma will be the onesto decide."

  "Of course," said her brother; "but they'll let us have some say aboutit too."

  Max and Chester were at the same moment standing together at somelittle distance in a friendly discussion of a similar topic--what giftsthey should procure for their brides.

  "Jewelry of some sort would, I suppose, be considered the mostappropriate," remarked Chester half inquiringly.

  "That is my idea," returned Max. "I believe the majority of ladies canhardly have too much of it--though I have never noticed Eva cared verymuch about it. I think, however, that Lu does; I know that some yearsago she had a strong desire for more than father deemed best for her."

  "Tastes differ," sagely remarked Chester, "and I wish to give herwhatever she would prefer."

  "Certainly," said Max; "that is right and kind, and just my feeling inregard to the gift to Eva."

  "Well," said Chester, "fortunately we do not need to decide thequestion until we see what the jewellers and other merchants have tooffer."

  "Shall we go together to make our selections?" asked Max.

  "I should like to do so, if it suits you; and to have your fatheralong--Cousins Elsie and Violet also, if they feel inclined to go."

  "Yes, indeed!" said Max; "for they both have excellent taste andjudgment. I don't know any one whose opinion on the subject I shouldconsider more valuable."

  "Nor do I," responded Chester. "We are very fortunate in our ladyfriends, and I may well add in gentlemen also, Max--your father inespecial."

  "Thank you," returned Max, with a smile of gratification; "I thinkthere is not a more perfect man and gentleman anywhere to be found; butthat may be because I am his son."

  "Oh, no! not altogether, at any rate," said Chester; "for you are by nomeans alone in your favorable opinion."

  "No, I flatter myself that I am not. Ah! do you see how earnestlyHarold and Grace are talking together? I shouldn't wonder if they areupon the very same subject we have just been discussing."

  "Quite likely. It seems to be the most important subject for older andyounger of our party at present."

  "Yes. By the way, Chester, we are hurrying matters so that we canhardly hope or expect to have very many of our Southern relatives andfriends to witness the ceremony."

  "No, I suppose we can't. But we might invite them to visit us in ourown house as soon after we get there as they please," laughed Chester.

  "True enough!" exclaimed Max, looking highly pleased at the thought,"and how delightful it would be to entertain them there."

  "So I think, and you don't know how I have wanted a home for that, aswell as for my own private enjoyment."

  "I have had some very severe attacks of homesickness since I left myfather's house for the Naval Academy, so that I think I can understandyour feelings," Max said, with a smile. "And I expect to be somewhatenvious of you and Lu some months hence, when I have to leave wife andhome to go--perhaps to the other side of the world."

  "Yes, Max, when I think of that I am sorry for you, and for ourselvesthat we must be so often deprived of your pleasant society."

  They were steaming along within sight of the shore, and just at thatmoment the children came running to ask Max some question about whatcould be seen there. He listened and replied very kindly, Chester nowand then taking part in the talk.

  The day and evening passed pleasantly to all on board; the childrenretired at their accustomed early hour, Grace helping Elsie inpreparing for her couch, lest the dear little sister should miss Mammatoo sorely, and wet her pillow with tears. Ned considered himselfalmost a man now, and quite fit to do without any attention in thatline. "I do miss Mamma," Elsie said, as she laid herself down in theberth, "but it is very nice to share this stateroom with you for once,Gracie dear."

  "And I am very glad to have you do so," replied Grace; "for I shallnot miss Lu half so much with you in her place."

  "It's nice and kind in you to say that," returned Elsie, with a lovinglook and smile. "But don't feel as if you must come to bed as early asI do, but go back and enjoy Brother Max, Uncle Harold, and Chester alittle longer, for I am sure they want you."

  "Well, then I'll kiss you good-night, you darling little sister, and goback to them for perhaps another hour," Grace said, accompanying herwords with a tender caress.

  She found the gentlemen still on deck, where she had left them, andthey gave her no reason to doubt that her society was welcome to them.

  An hour was spent in cheerful chat, and some singing of appropriatesongs and hymns, then they bade good-night, and all retired to theirstaterooms, Max having first attended to all his duties as captain ofthe vessel.

  The night passed quietly, and the next morning all woke rested andrefreshed, ready to enjoy their breakfast, and after that the walksand talks upon deck, varied by resting in steamer chairs while chattingand gazing out upon the water and the land, out of sight of whichthey seldom were. The weather was all that could be desired, and theyrejoiced in that fact for both themselves and their friends, theshoppers.

  The latter came on board soon after the yacht had come to anchor againin New York harbor. Their bright, cheerful faces told at once ofsuccess with what had been undertaken and of satisfaction with theirpurchases, and their tongues speedily repeated the pleasant storyof beautiful silks, satins, laces and other trimmings, for in thefamily circle they did not care to make a secret of their needful, ordesirable, preparations for the approaching ceremony.

  All passed the night on the vessel, Violet remarking that one night atthe best of hotels was quite enough for her; she felt so much more athome on their own delightful yacht. But shortly after breakfast thechildren were taken into the city to select their bridal gifts, theirfather and mother going along with them. Grace, in compliance wit
h asuggestion from her father, was quite willing to entrust the selectionof her gifts to him and Mamma, shopping being always wearisome work forher.

  Grandma Elsie, Evelyn, and Lucilla remained on the vessel, with Grace,to take a good rest, while the young men went in search of their giftsfor the brides that were to be.

  "How many dresses did you have fitted?" asked Grace.

  "Two apiece," replied her sister; "our wedding gowns and one other foreach of us. The others were expressed home at once, to be made up byour own dressmakers, who, as you know, have our measures, so that theymay be ready to wear by the time we return, or very soon after."

  "A very good plan, I think," said Grace. "Eva, have you heard from youruncle and aunt in reply to your note the other day?"

  "Yes," Evelyn replied, with a smile, "and I am happy to say that theyhighly approve of our plans and purposes--not bidding me beware of thetruth of the old saying, 'Marry in haste and repent at leisure,' butpromising to have everything in readiness for us and our ceremony.Isn't it good of them?"

  "Very nice and kind, I think," said Grace. "How favorably everythingseems to go with you! I am very glad for you both."

  "Thank you," said Eva. "We might make a triple wedding of it if yourfather would only consent."

  "Oh, no! I don't wish it. Father is right, I know; he always is; and Idon't want to leave him yet for anybody."

  "And you are entirely right in that, my dear," said Grandma Elsie. "Ican see that, although I should dearly love to gain possession of mynew little daughter at once."

  "It is very nice and kind in you, Grandma Elsie, to be so ready toclaim me for your own," Grace returned, happy tears shining in her eyes.

  "Ah, I fear your father might see that in a different light," returnedGrandma Elsie, with one of her sweet smiles. "I think he would preferto keep you all his own, and I cannot blame him. Now, girls," turningto the others, "suppose we make out a list of the relatives and friendswho should be invited to your wedding, so that that matter can bepromptly attended to."

  The girls gave a ready assent and the list was presently prepared.

  "Now I have been thinking," Eva said, as they finished, "that asOctober is so delightful a month, even up here on the Hudson, we mightas well take a little more time for our preparations, spending it atCrag Cottage; and that would make it possible for our friends to attendthe ceremony, should they choose to come. You could spare that muchmore time from your home, couldn't you, Grandma Elsie?"

  "Easily; and I think it a very good idea. If anything like the entirenumber of our friends should come, you would not have sleepingaccommodations for nearly all of them, and the hotels in theneighborhood are, I think, closed, or will be by that time; but a noonwedding would enable guests to come in the morning and leave beforenight."

  "Oh, that's a capital idea, Grandma Elsie!" exclaimed Lucilla. "Don'tyou think so, Eva?"

  "I do, and think every one else will," returned Evelyn joyously. "Thenour wedding gifts can be shown at the cottage, packed, and sent homeafterward in time to get there before we do--as we are to take a tripto Niagara Falls before going home."

  When the shoppers returned and were told of this plan, they one and allhighly approved; so it was decided upon, and the necessary preparationswere promptly made.

  The children were in high spirits, delighted with the purchases theyhad made; the older people seemed equally satisfied with theirs, thoughtheir report was given in quieter fashion. Some of the smaller giftsthe purchasers brought with them, but the others were to be sent firstto Crag Cottage, and after the wedding from there to the brides'homes. After some little discussion of the plan, an immediate return toCrag Cottage was decided upon, and presently the yacht was steaming upthe river.


  It was a pleasant, happy party that gathered round the breakfast tableat Crag Cottage the next morning, and a bountiful and excellent mealwhich they found spread before them.

  Mrs. Elsie Leland--acting mistress of the house for the present--washighly pleased with the new arrangements planned for the double wedding.

  "The extension of the time allotted for the preparations would make itmuch easier to carry them out," she said, "while invited guests wouldhave more time for the carrying out of theirs; though I doubt if manyof them would think it paid to take so long and expensive a journeyeven to see that interesting sight--a double wedding."

  "I dare say not," said her husband. "Chester, do you expect yourbrother and sisters to be here?"

  "Hardly; the time being so short and the journey so long. And Frank,I hear, has found a ladylove down there--which will be likely tokeep him away. Each of my sisters, as you probably know, has a youngchild,--Maud, indeed, has two, Sidney one,--and they would probablywant neither to bring them along nor leave them behind."

  "No, I suppose they will hardly want to journey so far for a shortvisit, and will think it too late in the season for a long one,"remarked Grandma Elsie.

  "Yes; I fear that will keep Uncle Horace and Aunt Rose from joining us,though they are no farther away than Philadelphia," said Chester.

  "And, as Grandpa sometimes says, they are now not so young as they oncewere," said Mrs. Leland. "We would be delighted to have them with us,but can scarcely hope for it."

  "No," said Violet, "and most of our relatives and friends, having hadtheir summer outings, returned home, and settled down again, canhardly be expected to start out on so long a journey for so short a bitof entertainment."

  "Especially as there are a number of somebodies getting married everyday," laughed Lucilla.

  "Yes," said Harold, with a smile, "it is a very common occurrence."

  The two weeks passed quickly and happily away, the older ones attendingto necessary preparations, the younger filling up much of the timewith pleasant little excursions up and down the river in the yacht, orwalks, rides, and drives on land.

  The wedding presents began to come in. The captain's principal giftthey knew was their joint home on his estate, Woodburn, but there werea number of minor ones--in the way of silver for their tables, Sevreschina, and napery, cut-glass and bric-a-brac. The gifts of Elsie andNed consisted of similar articles. Gracie's gift, chosen by her fatherand "Mamma Vi," was a gold bracelet for each, ornamented with preciousstones. Each lover had visited Tiffany's and bought for his bride avery handsome ornament called a sunburst--a star of diamonds to be wornas locket or brooch. They were presented on the morning of the wedding,and the girls were delighted with them, as they were with Harold'sgift--a very beautiful opal ring to each.

  It was nearing ten o'clock the night before the wedding, and CaptainRaymond was taking his usual stroll back and forth upon the porchbefore retiring, when Lucilla came to him for the usual bit ofgood-night chat so pleasant to them both. He put his arm about herand held her close to his heart, as he had so often done before. Fora moment neither spoke, then she said sobbingly: "Oh, father, my dearfather, this is the last time! How can I bear it! oh, how can I bearit! how can I leave you, even for Chester, whom I do love dearly."

  "No, dear child," he said in tones tremulous with emotion, "it neednot be the last time. We shall be near enough to see and embrace eachother very often while God spares our lives; and we will not love eachother less because we are not living all the time under the same roof."

  "No, papa, no, indeed! Oh, I could never bear it if it wasn't forknowing that! You have been such a good, kind, wise, and loving fatherto me. Oh, I wish I had always been the good, obedient biddable child Iought to have been."

  "Yes, daughter dear, I know it; I know you do; while I often wish I hadbeen more patient and gentle--less stern with you. But let us forgiveand forget, and each try in the future to be all to the other thatcould be desired. My own dear, dear child! 'The Lord bless thee: theLord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lordlift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.'"

  "Thank you, my dear, dear father," she said. "That is such a sweetblessing, and I do so love to hear it
from your lips. Oh, I can neverbe thankful enough that I have a Christian father!"

  "Nor I for the good hope that my dear eldest daughter is a trueservant, with me, of the same blessed Master. Now let us saygood-night, for it is time you were preparing for your rest."

  Most of the invited guests except a few who would arrive in the morninghad come, but, by sending the young gentlemen and lads to sleep in theyacht, room had been made for all.

  The ceremony took place the next day at high noon--the brides, thegifts, the house bedecked with flowers, all looking very lovely. Agrand wedding breakfast followed, then bridal dresses were exchangedfor travelling suits, handsome and becoming, and the newly marriedcouples, accompanied by Grace and Harold, went aboard the _Dolphin_,which carried them to the city, where they would take the cars forNiagara. Harold and Grace saw them on the train, waved them good-bye asit started, then returned on the yacht to Crag Cottage.

  A few days later the _Dolphin_ was again speeding southward, carryingher owner and his family--including Mrs. Travilla and her son Harold,also the Lelands, to their homes. They had a delightful voyage, andarrived at their destination in fine health and spirits. But that wasnot the last trip made by the yacht for that season; within a fortnightshe was again steaming up the Hudson, and in the harbor of the citywhere the bridal party had left her they found her lying at anchor oneday, when the train bearing them on their return from the west camerushing into the station.

  "Oh, it really seems something like getting home!" Lucilla exclaimed asshe stepped upon the deck. "But father did not come!" she added, witha slight sigh of disappointment, glancing about in the vain hope ofcatching sight of the manly form and face she loved so well.

  "No, Mrs. Dinsmore, but you'll be sure to get sight of the captain whenyou reach the other end of the voyage," said Mr. Bailey, temporaryskipper, coming forward with a bow and smile.

  "And the voyage will be but a short one if the weather continues good,"remarked Max, offering a hand to Bailey in cordial greeting, thenintroducing his bride.

  "Yes," said Bailey, taking in his the hand she offered, and lookingat her with admiring eyes, "I used to know her pretty well as MissLeland. I wish you both a great deal of happiness and prosperity. Andyou and your bride the same, Mr. Dinsmore," shaking hands with Chesterin his turn. "I think, ladies and gentlemen, you will find everythingshipshape in the saloon and staterooms; the captain was very particularabout all that."

  "Yes," said Evelyn, "and now that we are here on the dear old yacht Ifeel that the discomforts of travel by rail are happily gotten rid of;everything is so clean, quiet, and homelike here."

  "I think it is delightful," said Lucilla; "only I am disappointed thatfather did not come."

  "No doubt it was having too many other things to attend to thatprevented him," said Max. "And doubtless he will meet us at the wharfwhen we land."

  The weather was all that could be desired, the yacht in fine condition,and in due time they anchored in the harbor of their own city, andpresently landed, to find a number of the dear ones waiting for them.Captain Raymond was there with his entire family, and Lucilla hadscarcely stepped ashore ere she found herself in his arms, his kiss offatherly love upon her lips.

  "How glad I am to have you here again, my darling," he said in tendertones. "I hope you have enjoyed your trip, and come back to me feelingwell and strong?"

  "Oh, yes, father dear, yes indeed! and so, so glad to be with youagain! I could never, never live without my father."

  "That is pretty much as I feel about my eldest daughter," he returnedwith a smile, and repeating his caresses.

  Then Eva must take her turn, and the son and son-in-law each receiveda cordial grasp and shake of the hand. Then joyous greetings wereexchanged with the Lelands, Violet, Elsie, and Ned. The Woodburn andFairview carriages were there, and nearby stood another--a two-seated,very handsome vehicle, with a pair of fine, spirited-looking graysattached. Greetings over, the captain led the way to the equipage, andturning with a kind, fatherly smile toward the bridal party, "Here,my children," he said, "is a gift from your father to be held andused--enjoyed, too, I trust--by the four of you in common."

  "Father, I'm afraid you are doing too much for us!" exclaimed Max, withemotion.

  "A grand good gift, sir, for which I heartily thank you," said Chesterwarmly.

  "Dear father, don't ruin yourself by heaping so many, many gifts uponus," cried Lucilla, turning, and putting her hand in his, while Evelynsaid, with starting tears "that it was really too much."

  "No, I am perfectly able to afford it, my dears, and shall be veryglad if it adds to your enjoyment of your new home," said the generousgiver. "Get in now, drive over to your new home, and see if everythingabout house and grounds has been arranged to suit your taste."

  They obeyed, and found the carriage, as they afterward said, theeasiest, most comfortable one they had ever ridden in, and the horsesthe finest of thoroughbreds.

  "These are grand fellows, Max; I'll warrant your father has spent notrifle on their purchase," remarked Chester as they sped onward witheasy, graceful motion.

  "Just what I think," said Max. "No more generous man than he everlived."

  "I only hope he won't ruin himself by heaping expensive gifts andfavors upon us," said Evelyn.

  "I hope not, indeed!" sighed Lucilla, with a slight tremble in hertones.

  "Don't be anxious and troubled about it, sister mine," said Max verykindly. "I happen to know that father has abundant means. And being sogenerous of nature it is a delight to him to give--especially to hiswife and children."

  "What a dear, good father he is! It is just a delight to me that I maycall him that now," said Evelyn.

  Their carriage reached its destination some minutes ahead of thecaptain's, and they immediately alighted and gazed about them withwondering and delighted eyes--so many improvements had been made sincelast they saw the place, trees and flowers, lovely and fragrant, havingbeen transplanted from other places to adorn this. They wandered hereand there, expressing in looks and joyous exclamations admiration,gratitude, and delight.

  They had hardly made acquaintance with all the beauties of the placewhen the other carriage drove up and the rest of the family joinedthem. Then, as the captain afterward said, they well-nigh overwhelmedhim with the extravagant outpouring of their admiration, gratitude, anddelight.

  "I am very glad that you are all so well pleased," he said, inreturn. "My wife and I have greatly enjoyed this labor of love,--theoverseeing and directing of these improvements,--and that they findsuch favor with you all more than repays us. But, come, let us goinside and see how well you are satisfied with things there."

  He led the way as he spoke, and they found themselves in a wide hallwith a broad and easy stairway leading to the rooms above, and oneither side, on that floor, large, elegantly furnished rooms,--parlors,libraries, dining rooms, a set for each little family,--beautiful lacecurtains at the windows, handsome paintings handsomely framed, on thewalls, many of them presents from Grandma Elsie and others of the Ionfamily and Violet's relatives on the neighboring estates, and othergifts and adornments too numerous to mention.

  The young folks had decided to call their place Sunnyside, and solovely was it that the name seemed very appropriate. The upper roomswere found scarcely less attractive in themselves or their furnishingsthan the lower ones. A grand dinner was in course of preparation inLucilla's kitchen, and presently all sat down to it, served in herdining-room. After that the whole party went over to Woodburn, no oneof them feeling satisfied without a peep at it--the dear old home allloved so well.



  Obvious printer errors have been corrected. Otherwise, the author'soriginal spelling, punctuation and hyphenation have been left intact.

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