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Elsie at Nantucket Page 2


  "Where the broad ocean leans against the land."


  Elsie felt somewhat apprehensive that this early laying aside of hermourning for their father might not meet the approval of her older sonand daughters; but it gave them pleasure; one and all were delighted tosee her resume the dress of the happy days when he was with them.

  Zoe, too, was very much pleased. "Mamma," she said, "you do look soyoung and lovely in white; and it was so nice in you to begin wearing itagain on the anniversary of our wedding-day. Just think, it's a wholeyear to-day since Edward and I were married. How fast time flies!"

  "Yes," Elsie said; "it seems a very little while since I was as youngand light-hearted as you are now, and now I am a grandmother."

  "But still happy; are you not, mamma? you always seem so to me."

  "Yes, my child; I have a very peaceful, happy life. I miss my husband,but I know the separation is only for a short time, and that he issupremely blessed. And with my beloved father and dear children aboutme, heart and hands are full--delightfully full--leaving no room forsadness and repining." This little talk was on the veranda, as the twostood there for a moment apart from the others. Zoe was looking quitebride-like in a white India mull, much trimmed with rich lace, her fairneck and arms adorned with a set of beautiful pearls, just presented herby Edward in commemoration of the day.

  She called Elsie's attention to them. "See, mamma, what my husband hasgiven me in memory of the day. Are they not magnificent?"

  "It is a very fine set," Elsie answered, with a smile, glancingadmiringly at the jewels and from them to the blooming face of thewearer. "A most suitable gift for his little wife."

  "He's so good to me, mamma," Zoe said, with warmth. "I love him betterevery day we live together, and couldn't think of leaving him behindalone, when you all go off to Nantucket. I do hope he'll be able to findsomebody to take his place; but if he isn't I shall stay here with him."

  "That is quite right, dear child; I am very glad you love him sodearly," Elsie said, with a very pleased look; "but I hope youraffection will not be put to so severe a test; we have heard of a verysuitable person, though it is still uncertain whether his services canbe secured. We shall probably know to-morrow."

  "Perhaps sooner than that," Mr. Dinsmore said, approaching them just intime to hear his daughter's last sentence; "Edward has gone to have aninterview with him, and hopes for a definite reply to his proposition.Ah, here he comes now!" as Edward was seen to turn in at the great gatesand come up the avenue at a gentle trot. It was too warm for a gallop.

  As he drew near he took off his hat and waved it in triumph round hishead. "Success, good friends!" he cried, reining in his steed at theveranda steps. Then, as he threw the reins to a servant and sprang tothe ground, "Zoe, my darling, you can go on with your packing; we mayconfidently expect to be able to sail with the rest."

  "Oh delightful!" she exclaimed, dancing about as gleefully as if she hadbeen a maiden of eight or ten instead of a woman just closing the firstyear of her married life.

  Everybody sympathized in her joy; everybody was glad that she and Edwardwere to be of their party.

  All the older ones were very busy for the next few days, no one findingtime for rest and quiet chat except the captain and Violet, who keenlyenjoyed a monopoly of each other's society during not a few hours ofevery day; Mrs. Dinsmore and Elsie having undertaken to attend to allthat would naturally have fallen to Violet's share in making ready forthe summer's jaunt had she been in robust health. Bob and Betty Johnson,to whom the Oaks had been home for many years, and who had justgraduated from school, came home in the midst of the bustle ofpreparation, and were highly delighted by an invitation to join theNantucket party.

  No untoward event occurred to cause disappointment or delay; all wereready in due season, and the yacht set sail at the appointed time, witha full list of passengers, carrying plenty of luggage, and with fairwinds and sunny skies.

  They were favored with exceptionally fine weather all the way, and seasso smooth that scarce a touch of sea-sickness was felt by any, from theoldest to the youngest.

  They entered Nantucket harbor one lovely summer morning, with adelicious breeze blowing from the sea, the waves rippling and dancing inthe sunlight, and the pretty town seated like a queen on the surroundingheights that slope gently up from the water.

  They were all gathered on deck, eager for a first glimpse of the place.

  Most of them spoke admiringly of it, but Zoe said, "It's pretty enough,but too much of a town for me. I'm glad we are not to stay in it.'Sconset is a smaller place, isn't it, captain?"

  "Much smaller," he answered; "quite small enough to suit even so great alover of solitude as yourself, Mrs. Travilla."

  "Oh, you needn't laugh at me," she retorted; "one needn't be a greatlover of solitude to care for no more society than is afforded by thiscrowd. But I want to be close by the bounding sea, and this town is shutoff from that by its harbor."

  "Where is the harbor, papa?" asked little Grace.

  "All around us, my child; we are in it."

  "Are we?" she asked, "I think it looks just like the sea; what's thematter with it, Aunt Zoe?"

  "Nothing, only it's too quiet; the great waves don't come rolling in andbreaking along the shore. I heard your father say so; it's here theyhave the still bathing."

  "Oh, yes, and papa is going to teach us to swim!" exclaimed Lulu; "I'mso glad, for I like to learn how to do everything."

  "That's right," her father said, with an approving smile; "learn allyou can, for 'knowledge is power.'"

  They landed, the gentlemen presently secured a sufficient number ofhacks to comfortably accommodate the entire party, and after a cursoryview of the town, in a drive through several of its more importantstreets, they started on the road to 'Sconset.

  They found it, though a lonely, by no means an unpleasant, drive--a roadmarked out only by rows of parallel ruts across wild moorlands, wherethe ground was level or slightly rolling, with now and then some gentleelevation, or a far-off glimpse of harbor or sea, or a lonely farmhouse.The wastes were treeless, save for the presence of a few stuntedjack-pines; but these gave out a sweet scent, mingling pleasantly withthe smell of the salt-sea air; and there were wild roses and otherflowering shrubs, thistles and tiger-lilies and other wild flowers,beautiful enough to tempt our travellers to alight occasionally togather them.

  'Sconset was reached at length, three adjacent cottages found ready andwaiting for their occupancy, and they took possession.

  The cottages stood on a high bluff overlooking miles of sea, betweenwhich and the foot of the cliff stretched a low sandy beach a hundredyards or more in width, and gained by flights of wooden stairs.

  The cottages faced inland, and had each a little back yard, grassy, andshowing a few flowers, that reached to within a few yards of the edge ofthe bluff. The houses were tiny, built low and strong, that they mightresist the fierce winds of winter in that exposed position, and shingledall over to keep out the spray from the waves, which would penetrate anyother covering.

  Dinner was engaged for our entire party at one of the hotels, of whichthere were two; but as it yet wanted more than an hour of the time setfor the meal, all who were not too tired sallied forth to explore thehamlet and its environs.

  They found it to consist of about two hundred cottages, similar to thosethey had engaged for the season, each in a little enclosure. They werebuilt along three narrow streets or lanes running parallel with the edgeof the bluff, and stood in groups of twos or threes, separated by narrowcross-lanes, giving every one free access to the town pump, the onlysource of fresh-water supply in the place.

  The children were particularly interested in the cottage of CaptainBaxter, with its famous ship's figure-head in the yard.

  Back of the original 'Sconset, on the slight ascent toward NantucketTown, stood a few more pretentious cottages, built as summer residencesby the rich men of the island, retired sea
captains, and merchants; thiswas the one broad street, and here were the two hotels, the AtlanticHouse and the Ocean View House.

  Then on the bluff south of the old village, called Sunset Heights, therewere some half dozen cottages; a few on the bluff north of it, also.

  The town explored and dinner eaten, of course the next thing was torepair to the beach to watch the rush and tumble of the restless waves,fast chasing each other in, and the dash of the spray as they brokealong the shore.

  There was little else to see, for the bathing hour was long past; butthat was quite enough.

  Soon, however, nearly every one of the party began to feel unaccountablysleepy. Some returned to the cottages for the indulgence of their desirefor slumber, and others, spreading cloaks and shawls upon the sand,enjoyed a delicious rest, warmed by the sun and fanned by the seabreeze.

  For a day or two they did little but sleep and eat, and sleep and eatagain, enjoying it immensely, too, and growing fat and strong.

  After that they woke to new life, made inquiries in regard to all thesights and amusements the island afforded, and began availing themselvesof their opportunities, as if it were the business of life.

  When it was for a long drive to some notable point, all went together,chartering several vehicles for their conveyance; at other times theynot unfrequently broke up into smaller parties, some preferring one sortof sport, some another.

  "How many of us are going to bathe to-day?" Mr. Dinsmore asked, thesecond morning after their arrival.

  "I for one, if you will bear me company and look out for my safety,"said his wife.

  "Most assuredly I will," he answered. "And you too, Elsie?" turning tohis daughter.

  "Yes, sir," she said, "if you think you can be burdened with the care oftwo."

  "No, mother," spoke up Edward, quickly; "you and Zoe will be my charge,of course."

  "Ridiculous, Ned! of course, Harold and I will take care of mamma,"exclaimed Herbert. "You will have enough to do to look out for yourwife's safety."

  (The yacht had touched at Cape May and taken the two college studentsaboard there.)

  "I shall be well taken care of," their mother said, laughingly, with anaffectionate glance from one to another of her three tall sons; "but Ishould like one of you to take charge of Rosie, another of Walter; and,in fact, I don't think I need anything for myself but a strong hold ofthe rope to insure my safety."

  "You shall have more!" exclaimed father and sons in a breath; "the surfis heavy here, and we cannot risk your precious life."

  Mr. Dinsmore added, "None of you ladies ought to stay in very long, andwe will take you in turn."

  "Papa, may I go in?" asked Lulu, eagerly.

  "Yes; I'll take you in," the captain answered; "but the waves are soboisterous that I doubt if you will care to repeat the experiment. Max,I see, is waiting his chance to ask the same question," he added, with afatherly smile directed to the boy; "you may go in too, of course, myson, if you will promise to hold on to the rope. I cannot think thatotherwise you would be safe in that boiling surf."

  "But I can swim, papa," said Max; "and won't you let me go with you outbeyond the surf, where the water is more quiet?"

  "Why yes, you shall," the captain replied, with a look of pleasure; "Idid not know that you had learned to swim."

  "I don't want to go in," said timid little Grace, as if half fearful itmight be required of her. "Mamma is not going, and can't I stay withher, papa?"

  "Certainly, daughter," was the kind reply. "I suppose you feel afraid ofthose dashing waves, and I should never think of forcing you in amongthem against your will."

  Betty Johnson now announced her intention to join the bathers. "It'sthe first chance I've ever had," she remarked, "and I shan't throw itaway. I'll hold on to the rope, and if I'm in any danger I suppose Bob,or some of the rest of you, will come to my assistance?"

  "Of course we will!" all the gentlemen said, her brother adding, "And ifthere's a good chance, I'll take you over to Nantucket Town, wherethere's still-bathing, and teach you to swim."

  "Just what I should like," she said. "I have a great desire to add thatto the already large number of my accomplishments."

  Miss Betty was a very lively, in fact, quite wild, young lady, whosegreat desire was for fun and frolic; to have, as she expressed it, "ajolly good time" wherever she went.

  The captain drew out his watch. "About time to don the bathing-suits,"he said; "I understand that eleven o'clock is the hour, and it wants butfifteen minutes of it."

  Grandma Elsie had kindly seen to it that each little girl--that is,Captain Raymond's two and her own Rosie--was provided with a pretty,neatly-fitting, and becoming bathing dress.

  Violet helped Lulu to put her's on, and, surveying her with a smile ofgratified motherly pride, told her she looked very well in it, and thatshe hoped she would enjoy her bath.

  "Thank you," said Lulu; "but why don't you go in too, Mamma Vi?"

  "Only because I don't feel strong enough to stand up against those heavywaves," Violet answered. "But I am going down to the beach to watch youall, and see that you don't drown," she added, sportively.

  "Oh Lu, aren't you afraid to go in?" asked little Grace, half shudderingat the very thought.

  "Why no, Gracie; I've bathed in the sea before; I went in a good manytimes last summer; don't you remember?"

  "Yes; but the waves there weren't half so big and strong."

  "No; but I'll have a rope and papa, too, to hold to; so why need I beafraid?" laughed Lulu.

  "Mamma is, I think," said Grace, looking doubtfully at her.

  "Oh no, dear," said Violet; "I should not be at all afraid to go in ifI were as strong as usual; but being weak, I know that buffeting withthose great waves would do me more harm than good."

  Their cottages being so near the beach, our party all assumed theirbathing suits before descending to it. They went down, this first time,all in one company, forming quite a procession; Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmoreheading it, and Violet and Grace, as mere spectators, bringing up therear.

  They, in common with others who had nothing to do but look on, found itan amusing scene; there was a great variety of costume, some neat,well-fitting, and modest; some quite immodestly scant; some bright andnew; some faded and old. There was, however, but little freshness andbeauty in any of them when they came out of the water.

  Violet and Grace found a seat under an awning. Max came running up tothem.

  "Papa is going in with Lulu first," he said; "then he will bring her outand take me with him for a swim beyond the breakers. I'll just wait herewith you till my turn comes."

  "See, see, they're in the water!" cried Grace; "and oh, what a big, bigwave that is coming! There, it would have knocked Lulu down if papahadn't had fast hold of her."

  "Yes; it knocked a good many others down," laughed Max; "just hear howthey are screeching and screaming."

  "But laughing, too," said Violet, "as if they find it fine sport."

  "Who is that man sitting on that bench nearest the water, and lookingjust ready to run and help if anybody needs it?" asked Grace.

  "Oh, that's Captain Gorham," said Max. "and to run and help if he'sneeded is exactly what he's there for. And I presume he always does it;for they say no bather was ever drowned here."

  Ten or fifteen minutes later a little dripping figure left the water,and came running toward them.

  "Why, it's Lulu," Gracie said, as it drew near, calling out to Max thatpapa was ready for him.

  Max was off like a shot in the direction of the water, and Lulu shoutedto her sister, "Oh Gracie, it's such fun! I wish you had gone, too."

  Violet hastened to throw a waterproof cloak about Lulu's shoulders, andbade her hurry to the house, rub hard with a coarse towel, and put ondry clothing.

  "I will go with you," she added, "if you wish."

  "Oh no, thank you, Mamma Vi," Lulu answered, in a lively, happy tone. "Ican do it all quite well myself, and it must be fun for you to sit hereand watch the bathers." r />
  "Well, dear, rub till you are in a glow," Violet said, as the littlegirl sped on her way.

  "Oh mamma, see, see!" cried Grace, more than half frightened at thesight; "papa has gone away, way out, and Maxie with him. Oh, aren't youafraid they will drown?"

  "No, Gracie dear; I think we may safely trust your father's prudenceand skill as a swimmer," Violet answered. "Ah, there come Grandma Roseand my mother; but Zoe and Betty seem to be enjoying it too much toleave yet."

  "Mamma, let's stay here till our people all come out; papa and Maxie,any way" Grace said, persuasively.

  "Yes; we will if you wish," said Violet. "I was just thinking I must goin to see how baby is doing; but here comes Dinah, bringing her to me."

  There was no accident that day, and everybody was enthusiastic in praiseof the bathing. Zoe and Betty would have liked to stay in the water muchlonger than their escorts deemed prudent, but yielded to their betterjudgment.

  The next morning there was a division of their forces: the Dinsmores,Mrs. Elsie Travilla, Rosie, and Walter, and the Raymonds taking an earlystart for Nantucket Town, the others remaining behind to enjoy arepetition of the surf bath at 'Sconset.

  The Nantucket party drove directly to the bathing house of the town, andthe little girls took their first lesson in swimming. They all thoughtit "very nice," even Grace soon forgetting her timidity in the quietwater and with her father to take care of her.

  After that they went about the town visiting places of note--theAthenaeum, the oldest house, dating back more than a hundred years, nolonger habitable, but kept as a relic of olden times, so important thata visit to it is a part of the regular curriculum of the summersojourner in Nantucket; then to the news-room, where they wrote theirnames in the "Visitors' Book;" then to the stores to view, among otherthings, the antique furniture and old crockery on exhibition there andfor sale.

  Many of these stores, situate in wide, handsome streets, were quitecity-like in size and in their display of goods.

  Dinner at one of the hotels was next in order; after that a delightfulsail on the harbor, then around Brant Point and over the bar out intothe sea.

  Here the boat new before the wind, dancing and rocking on the waves tothe intense delight of the older children; but Gracie was afraid tillher father took her in his arms and held her fast, assuring her theywere in no danger.

  As she had unbounded confidence in "papa's" word, and believed he knewall about the sea, this quieted her fears and made the rest of the sailas thoroughly enjoyable to her as it was to the others.

  The drive back to 'Sconset, with the full moon shining on moor and sea,was scarcely less delightful. They reached their cottage home full ofenthusiasm over the day's experiences, ready to do ample justice to asubstantial supper, and then for a long delicious night's sleep.