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  Morning found the invalid somewhat refreshed by her night's rest, yettoo languid and feeble to leave her room, and her day was spentreclining upon a couch, with her daughter by her side. Dr. Conly made anearly call, prescribed, talked to her and Eva in a cheerful strain,saying he hoped that rest and a change of weather would soon bring herat least a measure of relief and strength; but in reply to the anxiousquestioning of Mr. and Mrs. Leland, he acknowledged that he found herfar gone in consumption, and did not think she could last many weeks.

  "Poor dear Eva! how very sad it will be for her to lose her mother sosoon after recovering her!" sighed Mrs. Leland. "I think we must let herremain in ignorance of the danger for a time at least."

  "Yes," assented her husband; "though we must not neglect any effort inour power to prepare Laura for the great change which awaits her," headded with a look of anxiety and care.

  "Nor fail to offer up earnest petitions for her at the Throne of Grace,"said Grandma Elsie, in her low, sweet tones. "Oh, what a blessing, whata comfort it is that we may take there all our fears, cares, andanxieties for ourselves and others! And how precious the Saviour'spromise, 'If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything thatyou shall ask, it shall be done for you of my Father which is inheaven'!"

  "Yes, mother dear," assented Mrs. Leland, "and we will claim and pleadit for our poor dear Laura, and for Eva, that she may be sustained underthe bereavement which awaits her."

  "Yes," said Dr. Conly, "and there are many of our friends who will beready to join us in the petition. I am going now to Woodburn--thecaptain having telephoned me that one of the servants is ill--and we allknow that he and his will be full of sympathy for Eva and her sickmother."

  "No doubt they will," said Grandma Elsie, "both as Christians and aswarm friends of Evelyn. And it will be quite the same with our otherfriends."

  With that the doctor bade good-morning and took his departure in thedirection of Woodburn. The family there were surprised and interested bythe news he had to tell of the arrival at Fairview, and of Laura'sfeeble and ailing condition. They were evidently full of sympathy forboth mother and daughter, and had any help been needed would have givenit gladly. But the doctor assured them that rest and quiet were atpresent the sick one's most pressing need.

  "Poor dear Eva! I am so sorry for her!" sighed Lucilla when the doctorhad gone. "Papa, don't you think I might make myself of use helping herwith the nursing?"

  "Not at present, daughter; though I can testify to your ability in thatline, and your services may possibly be needed at some future time," heanswered with an affectionate look and smile.

  "Yes, Lu is a capital nurse, I think," said Violet, "but whatever shedoes is sure to be well done."

  "Thank you, Mamma Vi," returned the young girl, blushing with pleasure;"it is most kind in you to say that; but if I am thorough in anything,most of the credit belongs to my father, who has never allowed me tocontent myself with a slovenly performance of my duties."

  "No," he said, "what is worth doing at all is worth doing well; that isa lesson I have endeavoured to impress upon each one of my children, andone which I think they have all learned pretty thoroughly."

  "And they have always had the teaching of example as well as precept,from their father," remarked Violet with a look of loving appreciationup into his face; "so that it would be strange indeed if they had notlearned it."

  "Indeed that is true, mamma," said Grace. "It does seem to me that papadoes everything he undertakes as thoroughly well as anyone possiblycould."

  "A very good idea for one's children to cultivate," laughed the captain.Then consulting his watch, "But it is high time we were in theschoolroom, daughters. Elsie and Ned have been there this half hour, andprobably have a lesson or two ready to recite."

  "And Eva will not be with us to-day; probably not for many more days,"remarked Lucilla with a slight sigh of disappointment and regret, as sheand Grace rose and gave prompt obedience to her father's implied order.

  "Yes," he said, "I fear so; but her first duty is to her mother."

  So Evelyn herself felt, and nobly she discharged it; neglecting nothingin her power for the relief and enjoyment of the invalid who, thoughoften fretful, exacting, and unreasonable, was yet nearest and dearestto her of all earthly creatures. The young girl's loving patience seemednever to fail, and her heart was continually going up in earnest, silentpetitions that her beloved parent might be made meet for the inheritanceof the saints in light; that she might learn to love Him who had died toredeem her from death and the power of the grave, and to give her anabundant entrance into his kingdom and glory.

  The doubt of Laura's preparation for death and eternity, amounting toalmost certainty that it was lacking, made this nursing an even sadderone than had been that of Eric, Evelyn's father, years ago. To him talkof things heavenly and divine had ever seemed easy and natural, and withthe certainty that he was passing away from earth came the fullassurance that he was ready to depart and be with Christ in glory.

  But Laura hastily repelled the slightest allusion to eternity and apreparation for it. Evelyn's only consolation was in the knowledge thatothers were uniting their earnest petitions with hers, and that God isthe hearer and answerer of prayer.

  It was Grandma Elsie who at length succeeded in speaking a word inseason to the dying woman.

  "Oh, this racking cough! Shall I never be done with it?" gasped Laura,as she lay panting upon her pillow after an unusually severe andexhausting paroxysm.

  "Yes; when you reach the other side of Jordan; for there in that blessedland the inhabitant shall not say 'I am sick,'" returned Grandma Elsiein low, sympathising tones. "The Bible tells us that 'God shall wipeaway all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death,neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.'"

  "Oh, but I am not fit for that place yet!" exclaimed Laura with a lookof alarm, "and I don't want to die for years to come, though it is hardto suffer as I do. You don't think I'm a dying woman, Mrs. Travilla?"

  "You know, dear friend, that no one of us is certain of life for a dayor an hour," returned Grandma Elsie gently, taking the wasted hand inhers and gazing tenderly into the anxious, troubled face, "and surely itis the part of wisdom to make careful preparation for that which we mustinevitably meet, sooner or later. And if our peace is made with God--ifJesus is our Friend and Saviour--it will only be joy unspeakable to becalled into his immediate presence, there to dwell forevermore."

  "Yes, yes, if one is fitted for it, as Eric, Eva's father, was. Deathseemed only joy to him, except for leaving us. But oh, I am afraid ofdeath! Hard as life is in my weak, ailing condition, I don't want todie, I can't bear to think of it."

  "My poor friend, my heart bleeds for you," said Grandma Elsie in low,tender tones. "'The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is thelaw.' But 'Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyonethat believeth.' He fulfilled its conditions, he bore the penalty God'sjustice required against those who had broken it; and now salvation isoffered as his free gift to all who will accept it: 'Even therighteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and uponall them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned,and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his gracethrough the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forthto be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare hisrighteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through theforbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness:that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth inJesus.'"

  "Is that all? only to believe in Jesus?" Laura asked with a look ofmingled anxiety, hope, and fear. "But one must repent deeply, sincerely,and oh, I'm afraid I cannot!"

  "He will help you," returned Grandma Elsie in moved tones. "'Him hathGod exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for togive repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.' Ask him,remembering his own gracious promise, 'Ask a
nd it shall be given you;seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. Foreveryone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to himthat knocketh it shall be opened.'"

  "Ah, I see the way as I never did before," said Laura, after a moment'ssilence in which she seemed in deep thought. "What wonderful love andcondescension it was for him, the God-man, to die that painful andshameful death that we--sinful worms of the dust--might live! Oh, I dobegin to love him and to hate and abhor my sins that helped nail him tothe tree." With the last words tears coursed down her cheeks. "I want tobe his, whether I live or die," she added; and from that hour a greatchange came over her; her sufferings were borne with patience andresignation; and when the end came she passed peacefully and quietlyaway, leaving her bereaved daughter mourning the separation, but not asthose without hope of a blessed reunion at some future day, in that landwhere sin and sorrow, sickness and pain are unknown.